
  • Catching Up with Chicago

    Catching Up with Chicago

    We spent Columbus Day weekend in Chicago visiting friends–Jessica, Amy, Sandra, Ernie and Stephanie–and it was great to catch up with old friends. But it was also great to catch up with the city itself, picking up where we left off many years ago and spending some quality time together.

  • Savoring Fall

    Savoring Fall

    Many autumns just slip by, with only moments of awareness, a few accidental fleeting changes to soak it in and enjoy the particular pleasures of the season. This particularly unfortunate in New England, where the fall presentation is done so expertly. I expected I would be even less attentive to fall this time around, given…

  • Mt. Washington and a week of Dissercation

    Mt. Washington and a week of Dissercation

    This past week I took the week off to work on my dissertation–more like a "staycation" than a real vacation. Or perhaps I should call it a "dissercation," to coin a really ugly word. It like the way it has hints of "diss" words (dissatisfied, diservice, dissipate, dissonance) on one end and of "altercation" on…

  • Missing the Pura Vida

    This morning I'm back at JP Licks trying to get back into the dissertation groove, but since I have just a few minutes left before my battery goes dead, I'm going to take moment to post on my trip to Costa Rica. In typical fashion, I've been waiting to write a longer description of the…

  • A Week in Yosemite

    A Week in Yosemite

    We'll, this is fairly late in coming, but I guess I should post something about our trip to Yosemite a week ago. I think I've been avoiding this post because it's so hard to know what to say about such a fantastic place. Perhaps I'll just let the photos speak for themselves, though they don't…

  • Bodily Rhythms

    Yesterday we spent the day cross-country skiing up at Windblown in NH, the first time on the skis this year. After we had been out for a while and I was cruising across a level spot in the trail, my body reminded me why I love this activity so much–the rhythm of the motion is…

  • A Day on the Franconia Ridge Loop

    A Day on the Franconia Ridge Loop

    Saturday we spent the day on the Franconia Ridge Loop, the best trail I've been on so far in New England. It's got everything–peaks, waterfalls, 360 degree views, woods, river crossings, holly berries–all in a hearty 6 hour hike. We started on the old Bridal path which was a strenuous but short hike up to…

  • Peter B. Lewis Building, Cleveland

    Peter B. Lewis Building, Cleveland

    I’ve spent most of my day today in the Peter B. Lewis Building, a Frank Gehry building which houses part of the Wheatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH). I’m here for the New Media Consortium Conference, and I’ve taking advantage of the wireless connection to finish my presentation. But over…

  • Inaugural Zip Car Outing

    Inaugural Zip Car Outing

    This weekend I rented a Zipcar for the first time for Cathy’s birthday and we took a little jaunt up to the Monadnack region of new Hampshire–just far enough to feel like we were getting away, but short enough that I would stay within the mileage and time constraints. We rented a Mini Cooper, a…

  • A Cross Section of California

    A Cross Section of California

    I just returned from a trip out to California for Monica’s wedding, a trip I extended so I could visit folks down the coast. I ended up with a cross-section of CA, stretching from Bodega Bay north of San Francisco, down the coast through Santa Maria and Santa Barbara, ending up in LA. Since this…