Mt. Washington and a week of Dissercation

This past week I took the week off to work on my dissertation–more like a “staycation” than a real vacation. Or perhaps I should call it a “dissercation,” to coin a really ugly word. It like the way it has hints of “diss” words (dissatisfied, diservice, dissipate, dissonance) on one end and of “altercation” on the other. In any case, it was cage match with me and the dissertation, and I put it to the mat until it begged for mercy. I talked a lot of smack and made sure it knew that things are different now. It’s had the run of my life for too many years, but now it knows its days are numbered.

By the end of the week, I came away with drafts of four out of five chapters, and I feel good about the progress. I still have a ways to go to pull together a full draft by the end of the summer, but I now feel more confident it will happen.

It was easier to focus for the week because I got a good weekend of hiking in with Cathy beforehand. We hiked Mt. Washington and stayed over night at the Lakes of the Clouds AMC hut  about an hour hike from the summit.

As alway happens when we hike, it rained. We hiked in the rain almost the entire way up Tuckerman’s Ravine and the last scramble to the summit was a cold mix of rain and wind. On the top, we couldn’t see more than 50 feet in any direction, so we just enjoyed the the chance to warm up and eat some chili before heading down to the hut.

But it was still great to get a taste of Mt. Washington (my first time) and I look forward to the views next time around.


2 responses to “Mt. Washington and a week of Dissercation”

  1. You’ve captured an essence of the mountain. I’m remembering an early traverse of Huntington Ravine.

    The places of our early years really resonate deeply, don’t they?

  2. Thanks, Jay. My earliest mountain memories are from Colorado, and I'm really thankful that I got that chance to spend time in the mountains when I was young because they add layers of resonance wherever I happen to hike.