
  • A Critical Guide to Boston-Area Memorials

    This past week I finished developing a site called Past Shapes, Present Stories: A Critical Guide to Boston-Area Memorials for a friend and colleague of mine at BC who has been teaching the American Literary History III survey this semester. As a final project assignment, Trevor had his students research local memorials and produce critical…

  • Weekend Ramblings

    Weekend Ramblings

    After a week stuck in front of computer and in workshops, I let myself wander a bit this weekend. The weather was beautiful and I realized how important rambling, both geographically and intellectually, is for my mental health and for my academic work. When I get out in the city and when give my research…

  • Locative art events in Boston this month

    An article in today’s Boston Globe ("All over the map: New technology inspires projects that are redefining the artistic landscape") alerted me to several locative events happening as part of the Boston Cyberarts Festival 2005 (April 22 through May 8). The schedule is listed under GPS and Satellite Imagery Programs. In particular, I hope to…

  • Cowboy Songs in Cambridge

    Thursday night I met up with Charlotte to hear the legendary Ramblin’ Jack Elliott play at the legendary Club Passim in Cambridge. The show was more talk than music, but I enjoyed traveling with Jack as he rambled from one ancecdote to the next: seeing Roy Rogers as child in New York; playing gigs in…

  • Navigating a Changing Boston

    Saturday evening Paula had her book release party at Meze Estiarorio, a great Greek restaurant in Charlestown. As I walked to the restaurant, I was struck by the view of the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge. I had often seen it before from other angles–mostly while driving–but never from the this vantage point (this…

  • Just Another World Championship

    I realized when I got to Kurt’s Super Bowl party in Cambridge tonight that the only reason I had come was so that I could bike home afterward. After all, it was already the fourth quarter and I had only watched about five minutes of the game so far–not the game, actually, but rather the…

  • Red Sox Victory Tour

    I’ve been waiting for this moment all of my life.Ok, maybe I’ve only been waiting since last week, when I actually began paying attention to the Red Sox. In any case, the Sox have one the World Series, the Curse of the Bambino is finally broken, and now Red Sox Nation can finally get some…

  • A Winning Weekend

    It’s been a banner weekend for sports fans here in boston. Not only was the annual Head of the Charles Regatta taking place Saturday and Sunday, but most of the major sports teams added to their W columns in impressive fashion: The Red Sox won twice against the Cardinals in the World SeriesThe Patriots won…

  • Bush vs Kerry/Texas vs Boston

    Last night I went to sleep to the sound of thousands of elated Red Sox fans pouring into the streets to celebrate the greatest series comeback in baseball history. A similar scene erupted when the Patriots won the Superbowl earlier this year and when Brazil won the world cup a few years back. The density…

  • Birthday Leaves Revisted

    Birthday Leaves Revisted

    Last year on my 30th, I wrote about spending the morning at Mt. Auburn Cemetery; this year I revisited birthday leaves by returning the Consecration Dell to see if the leaves and the water had composed a similar scene. This time around, the pond was less uniformly green, but the leaves still embedded themselves on…