Third Places

  • Geni and the Shakuhachi Funk Sextet

    Last night Cathy, Edward, and I took in a great show by our new friend Geni from St. James's at Ryles in Inman Square. In addition to being an accomplished flutist, Geni distinguishes himself by playing jazz with a shakuhachi, a Japanese bamboo flute, and the shakulute, a traditional flute with a bamboo headpiece. Throughout…

  • An Evening with Tom Brosseau, North Dakota Troubadour

    I almost didn’t make it out to hear Tom Brosseau play at Club Passim tonight. Elaine emailed me from CA a couple of days ago, urging me to go, but when I got home from work the humidity wrestled me to the ground and pinned me. The power was out when I walked in the…

  • Cowboy Songs in Cambridge

    Thursday night I met up with Charlotte to hear the legendary Ramblin’ Jack Elliott play at the legendary Club Passim in Cambridge. The show was more talk than music, but I enjoyed traveling with Jack as he rambled from one ancecdote to the next: seeing Roy Rogers as child in New York; playing gigs in…

  • Cafenation in Brighton Center

    This morning I’m at Cafenation, the Brighton Center coffee shop that has become by go-to work place in the mornings. I’ve been coming here 2-4 times/week since late January and it’s become an important part of my writing routine. Most mornings I’ll check my email briefly after breakfast and then suit up to get on…