Bush vs Kerry/Texas vs Boston

Last night I went to sleep to the sound of thousands of elated Red Sox fans pouring into the streets to celebrate the greatest series comeback in baseball history. A similar scene erupted when the Patriots won the Superbowl earlier this year and when Brazil won the world cup a few years back. The density of the neighborhood makes it possible for people to congregate easily like this, to move quickly from their living rooms into a shared public space of celebration. Occassionally these scenes can turn destructive, even violent, as it did in January when a Northeastern student was killed during the post-Superbowl revelry near Fenway. This time the police were out in force well before the game started, having cleared cars from Brighton Ave by early evening.

In a email this morning, my friend Andrew remarked that it would fun to have a Massashusetts-Texas World Series match-up to parallel the election. The symbolism would be fitting, since the Sox and the Democrats both have a history of near-misses and painful losses. Lets hope they both can can overcome their curses.


2 responses to “Bush vs Kerry/Texas vs Boston”

  1.  Avatar

    Tim: So exciting. The taqueria in Davis where we watched this was full of people who just stared incredulously at the screen as inning after inning proved fruitless for the Yanks. These are Giants fans, and A’s fans, but mostly just baseball fans, aware they were seeing something extraordinary in sports terms. There’s been a big thread on Daily Kos about the Massachusetts-Texas world series possibility. We’ll know soon enough.

  2.  Avatar

    Thats good to hear. I’ll check out the thread on Daily Kos. On a sadder note, I heard earlier today that an Emerson College student died today from injuries she sustained last night during the celebrations. It’s not clear what happened, but she may have injured by police trying to control the crowd. It’s amazing that so many post-victory celebrations end either in violence, vandalism, or both.