Red Sox Victory Tour

I’ve been waiting for this moment all of my life.

Ok, maybe I’ve only been waiting since last week, when I actually began paying attention to the Red Sox. In any case, the Sox have one the World Series, the Curse of the Bambino is finally broken, and now Red Sox Nation can finally get some sleep (though not tonight).

When the game ended around 11:45, I began my own personal Sox victory tour, beginning by biking down Mass Ave into Harvard Square, where the streets were blocked off and the Harvard University pep band was leading the festivities. I then proceeded farther down Mass Ave to central Square where I slapped hands like a rock star with revelers standing outside of bars and on street corners. When reached the Mass Ave bridge over the Charles River, I walked my bike with the crowd making their way into Back Bay and soaked in the Boston skyline. Once I reached Beacon St., I made my way to the Kenmore Square/Fenway area, the Center of the Universe for Red Sox fans.

I didn’t have my camera with me, but if I could have taken one picture, it would have been of the 30 police in riot gear standing out of view on a small side street just off Kenmore Square. I turned the corner and there they stood in a tight group, looking incredibly intimidating in their black body armor. Seeing them didn’t make me want to linger too long, so I cruised the rest of the way along Comm. Ave until I reached Allston.

So now I’ve got my visa stamped to show that I’ve spent time in Red Sox Nation the last couple weeks, but now I’m ready to move back into normal life, to get some rest before giving my Dreamweaver workshop early tomorrow morning.


One response to “Red Sox Victory Tour”

  1.  Avatar

    From what we could see of Yawkey way on the TV coverage, there seemed to be very little in the way of craziness. Winning the World Series wasn’t like beating the Yankees, though. It feels like a completely different thing, which I’m still trying to process. Muted. Happy. Now, we can sleep.