
  • Wordcamp Boston

    Wordcamp Boston

    Today I’m geeking out with my fellow WordPress fans here at Wordcamp Boston, host by Microsoft’s NERD Center (New England Research and Development) on the MIT campus. Now that I’ve moved my blog to WordPress and have used it for several other projects, I’m glad to have a chance to get more acquainted with this great…

  • iPhone App for Municipal Complaints

    The city has released an iPhone app that enables residents to report problems as they encounter them on the ground: “The Citizens Connect iPhone App that provides a lightweight interface into the City of Boston’s Constituent Relationship Management System (CRM). The intention is to help constituents easily report a variety of different service requests including…

  • Jumping the Tracks

    Tonight my neighbor Andrew emailed me a last-minute invitation to see a screening of the documentary “The Greening of Southie” (, and since I didn’t have any firm plans, I decided to go.  By the end of the evening, I had:Riden my bike to Coolidge Corner after workEaten Pizza at Upper CrustBrowsed for half hour…

  • The Language of Biking

    The Language of Biking

    Thanks to everyone who donate to my Bikes Not Bombs ride. We raised much more than last year–over $100,000 dollars after pledges come in. It was a hot day–97 degrees–by the time I rolled back into the city via Blue Hills Ave in Dorchester, but it was a fun ride nonetheless. At the beginning of…

  • Spring in the Public Garden

    Spring in the Public Garden

    Finally after a long winter, it's begun to look and feel like spring, and we enjoyed it with a picnic near the pond in the Boston Public Garden. 

  • The Right Ride: A Collaborative Map for Safer Biking in Boston

    Earlier this week, Nancy M. pointed me to a new Google mashup called The Right Ride, designed to allow users to document dangers spots for bikers by adding annotations to a map. Chris Briaotta created the site in response to the recent death of two Boston cyclists, and it gives fellow bikers a way to…

  • Chia Piano

    Chia Piano

    On our way to Cambridge on Saturday, we drove by a piano sitting in front of a large apartment building on the corner of Monmouth and Canton in Brookline. It was an older Chickering with keys missing and with a sign for "Death Wish Piano Movers" on the bench. A bed of plants had taken…

  • Geni and the Shakuhachi Funk Sextet

    Last night Cathy, Edward, and I took in a great show by our new friend Geni from St. James's at Ryles in Inman Square. In addition to being an accomplished flutist, Geni distinguishes himself by playing jazz with a shakuhachi, a Japanese bamboo flute, and the shakulute, a traditional flute with a bamboo headpiece. Throughout…

  • Drivetime: Videoblogging the JP-Allson-Cambridge Commute

    Over lunch today I attended the Brain Gain luncheon hosted by the Harvard Business School where Katie Livingston-Vale talked about what's happening in educational technology at MIT. In her discussion of a course on social software tools she's teaching, she mentioned a video blog she points her students to called Drivetime, a talk show filmed…

  • Graffiti, Somerville/Cambridge Style

    Graffiti, Somerville/Cambridge Style

    This afternoon I noticed these two pieces of street art on Summer Street in Somerville, one a spray painted portrait of Nome Chomsky and the other a picture of a mushroom cloud attached to a no parking sign a little way down the street. Someone from the neighborhood has noticed the Chomsky portrait as well,…