Drivetime: Videoblogging the JP-Allson-Cambridge Commute

Over lunch today I attended the Brain Gain luncheon hosted by the Harvard Business School where Katie Livingston-Vale talked about what’s happening in educational technology at MIT. In her discussion of a course on social software tools she’s teaching, she mentioned a video blog she points her students to called Drivetime, a talk show filmed during Ravi Jain’s commute to work. The segments themselves are great, but I’m even more pleased that his route takes mirrors the one that I travel several times a week to get to Cathy’s or to St. James’s. Here’s how Ravi describes his blog:

DriveTime is a video blog that I produce during my daily commute to work.

My commute to work takes me from Jamaica Plain through Coolidge Corner and on to Allston. My evening commute: Allston, brief foray into Cambridge, Fenway area, Jamaica Plain. My hope is to pick up some guests along my commute — folks that have something going on in and around Boston.

In most episodes, picks up guests and interviews them, often to discuss an upcoming event that they are a part of. I’ve only just dipped into the site but I can tell I’m already hooked. Check it out.