April 2006

  • Inaugural Zip Car Outing

    Inaugural Zip Car Outing

    This weekend I rented a Zipcar for the first time for Cathy’s birthday and we took a little jaunt up to the Monadnack region of new Hampshire–just far enough to feel like we were getting away, but short enough that I would stay within the mileage and time constraints. We rented a Mini Cooper, a…

  • Podcasting Places

    Today I’m blogging from Boston University where I’m attending the Podcasting Academy for work. A bit ago Tony Kahn from WGBH radio talked about his experience with podcasting, particularly with Morning Stories. As example, he mentioned a segment called "One Foot in Front of the Other" in which Caleb Smith talks about walking every street…

  • Easter Images

    Easter Images

    A little late in coming, but here some Easter 2006 images in the recently revamped Whereproject photo gallery. These photos were taken in and around St. James’s Episcopal Church in Cambridge, MA using my new Sony Cybershot W50.      

  • TampaBLAB

    Blog URL: http://tampablab.com/ Description: TampaBLAB = Tampa Bay Local Area Bloggers. An aggregation of blogs that originate somewhere in Tampa Bay.

  • Sticks of Fire: a Tampa website

    Blog URL: http://sticksoffire.com/ Description: A weblog all about Tampa, written by tampans.

  • Coolidge Corner Theatre

    Coolidge Corner Theatre

    Some random comments on a post from a couple years ago (Fargo Theatre Home of "Wood-Chip Marge") prompts me to post a photo took of my favorite local movie venue, the Coolidge Corner Theatre. On Saturday night, Cathy, Megan, and I strolled over from Allston on a mild spring night to take in "Thank You…