• A whippoorwill

    Blog URL: http://whippoorwill.typepad.com/ Description: Whippoorwill is from Northern Ontario Canada, soon to re-locate to Toronto.  She has some of the best writing you'll find on the web.  She often writes about place.  You need to check her out.

  • A Sense of Place: Finding a Somewhere to Call Home

    Yesterday I tried out Google’s new blogsearch feature by plugging in "place" and one of the first sites that came up was Ronni Bennett’s blog, "A Sense of Place: Finding a Place to Call Home." In May she decided to start this blog to document her recent decision to leave New York City after 30-some…

  • The Value of a Place

    I was surprised–and unnerved–to read in the Boston Globe that Boston is the most expensive metro area in the country, at least according to one study. The article lists some starting statistics from the report:   "The report found that last year, a family of four living in the Boston area needed $64,656 to cover…

  • The View from Other Blogs

    After a week of gleaning Katrina-related news from many sources, it’s been good to read the reflections of those in the circle of bloggers I follow: Fred on The Benefits of Disaster Beth from The Cassandra Pages on taking our interconnectedness seriously Pica’s practical musings in "What I Can Do" Jarrett insights on the "death"…

  • An Hour of the the Rolling Stones

    Last night at about 9:30, I realized I didn’t have enough powdered milk to finish making yogurt, so I hopped on my bike for a quick trip to the grocery store. As I rode down Brighton Ave, the breeze was warm and fresh, and the the bright orange-yellow  moon hung low in the sky, just…

  • What part of Uff Da don't you understand?

    You know you’re in Cambridge/Somerville when you overhear a guy saying loadly into his cellphone,"I mean, what part of ‘englightened self-interest" don’t they understand.’" When I was back in Fargo a couple weeks ago, my dad greeted me at the door wearing a shirt that said, "What part of ‘Uff Da’ don’t you understand." It…

  • The Restroom

    Nancy M. alerted me to this unique blog, The Restroom: A journal of design oddities in public restrooms featured today in a Boston Herald article. In my mind, it has the charactersitcs of a fine place blog, combining the observation of places over time, close attention to ordinary experience, a concern for the implication of…

  • On the Cove

    A diary of living on Lanes Cove, Gloucester, Massachusetts

  • Find The River

    Reflections on fishing, life, ideas, and the spirit by an angling fanatic.

  • An Evening with Tom Brosseau, North Dakota Troubadour

    I almost didn’t make it out to hear Tom Brosseau play at Club Passim tonight. Elaine emailed me from CA a couple of days ago, urging me to go, but when I got home from work the humidity wrestled me to the ground and pinned me. The power was out when I walked in the…