Wordcamp Boston
Today I’m geeking out with my fellow WordPress fans here at Wordcamp Boston, host by Microsoft’s NERD Center (New England Research and Development) on the MIT campus. Now that I’ve moved my blog to WordPress and have used it for several other projects, I’m glad to have a chance to get more acquainted with this great…
Walden Pond in Fall
This afternoon we spend some time at Walden in the heart of fall.
Catching Up with Chicago
We spent Columbus Day weekend in Chicago visiting friends–Jessica, Amy, Sandra, Ernie and Stephanie–and it was great to catch up with old friends. But it was also great to catch up with the city itself, picking up where we left off many years ago and spending some quality time together.
Spring in the Public Garden
Finally after a long winter, it's begun to look and feel like spring, and we enjoyed it with a picnic near the pond in the Boston Public Garden.
DIY Slow Down Sign
The other day this sign appeared just a few houses down the street in response to the cars that regularly barrel down Rossmore as they cut through to Washington. This has been a source of concern and complaint for several neighbors, and someone apparently was driven to take matters into his or her own hands.…
Memorial Day: Hope Cemetery, Boston
Last night I rode by Hope Cemetery for the first time and noticed the flags set up for the veterans. It seemed appropriate today to return for another look.
River Ice
My dad sent me these pictures he took a couple weeks ago at the edge of the Red River in Fargo. This "ice artistry" was sculpted by freezing temperatures at the waters crest and and then carefully installed in a gallery of trees as the water slowly receded. Wish I could have been there while…
A Week in Yosemite
We'll, this is fairly late in coming, but I guess I should post something about our trip to Yosemite a week ago. I think I've been avoiding this post because it's so hard to know what to say about such a fantastic place. Perhaps I'll just let the photos speak for themselves, though they don't…
Winter Window
Yesterday’s snow inspired me to take a picture framed by the door to my apartment. It reminded me of a window picture I took a couple years ago at my old house, that time in the fall.