• Bright Leaves through a Window: A Better View

    Bright Leaves through a Window: A Better View

    Four years ago I posted an entry with this photo in response to the election: That morning I was trying to focus on anything bright as a dark frame seemed to close in around me; this morning it feels like we've stepped outside into something brighter. My eyes are still adjusting, but it's quite a sight…

  • Who is My Neighbor?

    This past week I’ve been reflecting on how my sense of place has changed now that a neighbor has been shot and killed across the street from where I live. While I was away last weekend, Garibaldis Pena, 27, was gunned down as he put a car seat into his sister’s car. It appears to…

  • Savoring Fall

    Savoring Fall

    Many autumns just slip by, with only moments of awareness, a few accidental fleeting changes to soak it in and enjoy the particular pleasures of the season. This particularly unfortunate in New England, where the fall presentation is done so expertly. I expected I would be even less attentive to fall this time around, given…

  • Mt. Washington and a week of Dissercation

    Mt. Washington and a week of Dissercation

    This past week I took the week off to work on my dissertation–more like a "staycation" than a real vacation. Or perhaps I should call it a "dissercation," to coin a really ugly word. It like the way it has hints of "diss" words (dissatisfied, diservice, dissipate, dissonance) on one end and of "altercation" on…

  • The Greasy Pole in One Minute

    Yesterday afternoon Ben and I biked up to Gloucester where we joined other friends to take in the annual Greasy Pole Competition (read more for Wikipedia). Despite the forecast of thunderstorms, we enjoyed a very pleasant weather for our ride and even after missing our turn in Manchester by the Sea, we still managed to…

  • Minton Stable Garden Potluck

    Minton Stable Garden Potluck

    This evening I stopped by the first potluck of the year at the Minton Stable Garden two blocks away from my place. I sauteed up the collard greens from my CSA and they actually got eaten (even by some kids). Thanks to Laurel for sharing some of her fish–I came away with to nice pieces…

  • A Heavenly Harvest: First CSA Pick-up

    A Heavenly Harvest: First CSA Pick-up

    This evening after work I stopped by Community Servings here in JP to pick up my first CSA delivery of fruits and veggies straight from Heaven's Harvest Farm in New Braintree, MA. It's the first time I've tried community supported agriculture, so after reading Michael Polland and Bill McKibben recently, I'm excited to try out…

  • The Heart and Soul of Places

    I spent last Thursday and Friday in Woodstock, VT with a group of people invited by the Orton Foundation to discuss their "Heart and Soul" approach to planning. The invitation seemed to come out of the blue a few months ago, since I was aware of the Orton Foundation's work but not involved with them…

  • The Language of Biking

    The Language of Biking

    Thanks to everyone who donate to my Bikes Not Bombs ride. We raised much more than last year–over $100,000 dollars after pledges come in. It was a hot day–97 degrees–by the time I rolled back into the city via Blue Hills Ave in Dorchester, but it was a fun ride nonetheless. At the beginning of…

  • Bikes Not Bombs Fundraising Ride

    I'm excited to be participating in the 21st Annual Bikes Not Bombs (BNB) Bike-A-Thon on June 8th, riding 62 miles to raise money for this fine organization that promotes biking for transportation and community development. ABOUT BIKES NOT BOMBSBNB is doing many things right: recycling donated bikes, training city kids to repair bikes, sending bikes…