A Heavenly Harvest: First CSA Pick-up

This evening after work I stopped by Community Servings here in JP to pick up my first CSA delivery of fruits and veggies straight from Heaven’s Harvest Farm in New Braintree, MA. It’s the first time I’ve tried community supported agriculture, so after reading Michael Polland and Bill McKibben recently, I’m excited to try out a new relationship to my food.

Here’s what I got in this delivery (as closely as I can identify):

  • redcor kale
  • green kale
  • collard greens
  • strawberrys
  • romane lettuce
  • a lemony mint plant
  • zuccini
  • cilantro

If anyone has relevant recipes, please don’t hesitate to send them my way.


4 responses to “A Heavenly Harvest: First CSA Pick-up”

  1. Tim: Try soaking the romaine lettuce then adding strawberries, soaked in balsamic vinegar, add olive oil to the mixture.Those look like mustard greens to me, not collards, and they're bitter — I'd steam them with the zukes or, more likely, add them to a quinoa stew with something sweet in it like carrots. (We'd do this in the solar cooker here but our skies are pretty smoky right now). The kale looks great and I'd mix them together, sauté with onion and maybe some filberts? Our garden is being maddeninly devoured by earwigs, but I think the plants that have made it are through the worst, and now it's all a race: can we keep up? (I predict the first edible tomato in 6 days… )

  2. Thanks, Pica. The quinoa stew sounds good. I made some kale chips earlier this week, and they were very tasty. And tonight I sauted the collard greens (they were label as such) and they turned out pretty good. Good luck fighting off the earwigs. Tim