A Week in Yosemite
We'll, this is fairly late in coming, but I guess I should post something about our trip to Yosemite a week ago. I think I've been avoiding this post because it's so hard to know what to say about such a fantastic place. Perhaps I'll just let the photos speak for themselves, though they don't…
Sustainable Waters in a Changing World
in DissertationYesterday I spend the day "Sustainable Waters in a Changing World " conference at UMass Amherst where I gave a presentation on "Blogging Places: Using Social Media to Foster Place Identification and Share Local Knowledge," my standard place blogging spiel revised for audience of scientists and environmentalists. Here's the abstract: If Henry David Thoreau were…
Would Thoreau Blog?
If Henry David Thoreau were around today, do you think he would blog? I began thinking about this after reading an interview with Greg Perry, editor of The Blog of Henry David Thoreau. The article leaves that impression that there's a kind of natural correspondence between the Journals and the blog format: Thoreau’s journal seems…
Coming into Contact: New Essays in Ecocritical Theory and Practice
in DissertationI received a copy of Coming into Contact: New Essays in Ecocritical Theory and Practice (University of Georgia Press, 2007) in the mail early this week, several years after I wrote my contribution, "Composition and the Rhetoric of Eco-Effective Design," an ASLE conference back in 2003. It's bizarre to finally see it published after not…
Spring from the Front Row
in BikingI must be in the front row. That's what I keep thinking as I bike into spring this week, getting a great view of each gradation of change as I get to work and back. Last week at this time I was facing 6 degree temperatures with a ferocious headwind, but I felt my body…
Winter Window
Yesterday’s snow inspired me to take a picture framed by the door to my apartment. It reminded me of a window picture I took a couple years ago at my old house, that time in the fall.
Bodily Rhythms
in DestinationsYesterday we spent the day cross-country skiing up at Windblown in NH, the first time on the skis this year. After we had been out for a while and I was cruising across a level spot in the trail, my body reminded me why I love this activity so much–the rhythm of the motion is…
Chia Piano
On our way to Cambridge on Saturday, we drove by a piano sitting in front of a large apartment building on the corner of Monmouth and Canton in Brookline. It was an older Chickering with keys missing and with a sign for "Death Wish Piano Movers" on the bench. A bed of plants had taken…
Gear Report: Winter Biking Apparel
in BikingWednesday I finally got to test out my new biking apparel with some actual winter weather (not the 69 degree temperatures last week that had me back to shorts and t-shirt). It was 7 degrees with a stiff headwind when I rode to BC and I wanted to find the right balance of clothing so…
Martin Luther King, Jr. the Pillow Fighter
Yesterday at St. James's, Harvey Cox was our guest preacher as part of a sermon series on the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. Cox first met King in 1956 and they became friends while worked together during Civil Rights Movement. Cox spoke movingly of the central role faith played in King's life and work,…