February 2007

  • Winter Window

    Winter Window

    Yesterday’s snow inspired me to take a picture framed by the door to my apartment. It reminded me of a window picture I took a couple years ago at my old house, that time in the fall.

  • Bodily Rhythms

    Yesterday we spent the day cross-country skiing up at Windblown in NH, the first time on the skis this year. After we had been out for a while and I was cruising across a level spot in the trail, my body reminded me why I love this activity so much–the rhythm of the motion is…

  • Chia Piano

    Chia Piano

    On our way to Cambridge on Saturday, we drove by a piano sitting in front of a large apartment building on the corner of Monmouth and Canton in Brookline. It was an older Chickering with keys missing and with a sign for "Death Wish Piano Movers" on the bench. A bed of plants had taken…