Wired Biking

In the face of scary writing deadlines, biking has been good therapy this week. Last night I took my Jamis out on my recently discovered route to Walden, and this time I charted my progress with a new Cateye bike computer and my gps device. While this may seem geeky, at least I’m not actually connected to the Internet as I cruise through the backroads of Watertown. Yesterday Robert reminded me of a site I ran across a few months ago, Bikes Against Bush, which describes a wired biking project that will take place during the RNC in NY. Participants will be able to send messages via the web to the bike which then will print them on the sidewalk in water-soluble chalk.This experiment in turn reminded me of Magicbike, a project that turns bikes into wireless hotspots, both as performance art and as an effort to overcome the digital divide.