
This gravestone engraving has puzzled me ever since I first saw it. As of yet, I don’t have any leads.

Photo of cross-shaped gravestone with "Implicitly" engraved on it


3 responses to “Implicitly?”

  1.  Avatar

    Not to dispute the methods of his providence, but humbly and implicitly to acquiesce in and adore them. –Atterbury.

    1.  Avatar

      Yes, this was a helpful lead. This gravestone is probably using "implicitly" to mean "without reserve; with unreserved
      confidence" (from Webster’s 1913 Dictionary).Thanks, whomever you are.

    2.  Avatar

      Yes, this was a helpful lead. This gravestone is probably using "implicitly" to mean "without reserve; with unreserved
      confidence" (from Webster’s 1913 Dictionary).Thanks, whoever you are.