Walden Pond in Fall
This afternoon we spend some time at Walden in the heart of fall.
The Greasy Pole in One Minute
in RegionYesterday afternoon Ben and I biked up to Gloucester where we joined other friends to take in the annual Greasy Pole Competition (read more for Wikipedia). Despite the forecast of thunderstorms, we enjoyed a very pleasant weather for our ride and even after missing our turn in Manchester by the Sea, we still managed to…
A Heavenly Harvest: First CSA Pick-up
This evening after work I stopped by Community Servings here in JP to pick up my first CSA delivery of fruits and veggies straight from Heaven's Harvest Farm in New Braintree, MA. It's the first time I've tried community supported agriculture, so after reading Michael Polland and Bill McKibben recently, I'm excited to try out…
Eastern Point Lighthouse
Yesterday we took a pleasant bike ride around the Eastern Point area of Gloucester, a peninsula that sticks out into Gloucester Harbor. I've driven around the loop any times, but it was only as we began exploring some of the side roads that we discovered entire areas that we didn't realize existed. Following one such…
Get a Job
in RegionYesterday Cathy and I headed up to Cape Ann to visit Tim and Meg and explore Dogtown Commons, the nature preserve that makes up much of the inland area of Gloucester. It has a colorful history stretching back to the early colonists, full of tales of the pirates, witches, and widows who supposedly inhabited it.…
Olive and Her New Godfather
in RegionBefore the big storm hit, I managed to get up to Cape Anne to see Tim and Meg for a little get-away. Their place in Lanesville is just far enough to feel like an escape but not so far that I can’t make the trip on a whim. While I was there, they asked me…
No Pah Kin
in RegionWhile wandering down one of the back streets of Bearskin Neck, Rockport, I ran across this sign guarding someone’s parking space. Not only is it a phonetically accurate spelling of the Gloucester accent, but also playfully reminds me of pre-pin yin phonetic approximations of Chinese. I’d love to meet the designer. Well done.
Bonfire in Lanesville
in RegionI spent this July 4th out in Lanesville, a village of Gloucester on Cape Anne, about an hour drive north of Boston. Around 9:00 we walked down to Lane’s cove to watch home-grown fireworks and the largest bonfire I’d ever seen–a pile of wood about 30 feet high with a sailboat perched on top. It…