Bonfire in Lanesville

I spent this July 4th out in Lanesville, a village of Gloucester on Cape Anne, about an hour drive north of Boston. Around 9:00 we walked down to Lane’s cove to watch home-grown fireworks and the largest bonfire I’d ever seen–a pile of wood about 30 feet high with a sailboat perched on top. It was a spectacular sight, and we could all felt like Boston’s Esplanade had nothing over us.


2 responses to “Bonfire in Lanesville”

  1.  Avatar

    "and we could all felt"…?  Still, fantastic photos Tim.  And a great site.

  2.  Avatar

    Well, you’ll have to get used to it. I’m afraid there’ll be more where that came from. As I tell my students, I’ve planted some typos in my syllabus and whoever finds them first get’s a prize…so it looks like you’ve won this round.