
  • Birthday Colors

    Birthday Colors

    Yesterday evening I biked by this tree in Eliott Street Park and couldn't help but stop and take a photo. There wasn't anything subtle about it–just brilliant setting sun on brilliant yellow leaves. It was my first birthday present of the day, and things only go better as I went from there to meet Cathy…

  • Views from the New Bike Route: Chestnut Hill Reservoir

    Views from the New Bike Route: Chestnut Hill Reservoir

    The Chestnut Hill Reservoir is the final body of water that I reach just before arriving at BC, about 20-25 minutes after I leave home. After I cross a footbridge spanning the D Line tracks and ride down a small hill, the street opens up to a expansive view of the Reservoir just before I…

  • Views from the New Bike Route: Brookline Reservoir

    Views from the New Bike Route: Brookline Reservoir

    The Brookline Reservoir, at the corner of Lee St. and Boylston (Rt. 9), is the second body of water I pass on my way to work. This feels like about the half-way point, and I always try to remember to glance to my right to catch the view of Boston over the water.

  • Carmina Burana at the Sanders Theater

    Carmina Burana at the Sanders Theater

    Friday night we took in a free performance of Carmina Burana Harvard's Sanders theater. Our friend Arnie was in the chorus, so it was a good chance to hear him sing and experience this great piece live for the first time. The performance was outstanding, and I can think of few better places to hear…

  • Easter Images

    Easter Images

    A little late in coming, but here some Easter 2006 images in the recently revamped Whereproject photo gallery. These photos were taken in and around St. James’s Episcopal Church in Cambridge, MA using my new Sony Cybershot W50.      

  • Harold Connolly Scupture

    Harold Connolly Scupture

    Earlier this week as I was biking to Brighton Center, I noticed a statue in front of the Taft Middle School that I had never paid attention to before. It depicts Harold Connolly, an 1956 Olympic gold medalist in the hammer throw who grew up in the area and attended Taft, Brighton High, and Boston…

  • The Value of a Place

    I was surprised–and unnerved–to read in the Boston Globe that Boston is the most expensive metro area in the country, at least according to one study. The article lists some starting statistics from the report:   "The report found that last year, a family of four living in the Boston area needed $64,656 to cover…

  • An Hour of the the Rolling Stones

    Last night at about 9:30, I realized I didn’t have enough powdered milk to finish making yogurt, so I hopped on my bike for a quick trip to the grocery store. As I rode down Brighton Ave, the breeze was warm and fresh, and the the bright orange-yellow  moon hung low in the sky, just…

  • An Evening with Tom Brosseau, North Dakota Troubadour

    I almost didn’t make it out to hear Tom Brosseau play at Club Passim tonight. Elaine emailed me from CA a couple of days ago, urging me to go, but when I got home from work the humidity wrestled me to the ground and pinned me. The power was out when I walked in the…

  • Longfellow Epitaph

    Longfellow Epitaph

    17        There is no Death! What seems so is transition; 18           This life of mortal breath 19        Is but a suburb of the life elysian, 20           Whose portal we call Death. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "Resignation" (1886-1991)On a gravestone in Mt. Auburn Cemetery