A Corner of Beacon Hill

photo of a allyway in Beacon hill with pumpkins

A Columbus day stroll through Beacon Hill brought me to this very pleasant dead end.


2 responses to “A Corner of Beacon Hill”

  1.  Avatar

    tim,this is a great photo! i love the lone pumpkin at the end of the lane.  it is making me miss boston today and all of its back alleys, small streets, and charm.  i check your posts often; they are great and keep me in touch with boston and what is happening in your life.  they are a nice break in my day.  thanks for that.  i sometimes feel like i’m peeking into your life and i shouldn’t do so without letting you know.  i will write to you soon.

  2.  Avatar

    sorry, i just realized that you don’t know who this comment is from unless i tell you.  oops-it’s just me, elaine!