November 2006

  • Drivetime: Videoblogging the JP-Allson-Cambridge Commute

    Over lunch today I attended the Brain Gain luncheon hosted by the Harvard Business School where Katie Livingston-Vale talked about what's happening in educational technology at MIT. In her discussion of a course on social software tools she's teaching, she mentioned a video blog she points her students to called Drivetime, a talk show filmed…

  • Graffiti, Somerville/Cambridge Style

    Graffiti, Somerville/Cambridge Style

    This afternoon I noticed these two pieces of street art on Summer Street in Somerville, one a spray painted portrait of Nome Chomsky and the other a picture of a mushroom cloud attached to a no parking sign a little way down the street. Someone from the neighborhood has noticed the Chomsky portrait as well,…

  • A Day on the Franconia Ridge Loop

    A Day on the Franconia Ridge Loop

    Saturday we spent the day on the Franconia Ridge Loop, the best trail I've been on so far in New England. It's got everything–peaks, waterfalls, 360 degree views, woods, river crossings, holly berries–all in a hearty 6 hour hike. We started on the old Bridal path which was a strenuous but short hike up to…

  • Jamaica Pond in Color

    Jamaica Pond in Color

    Sam Blackmon has a new site call The Jamaica Pond Project. Heres how he describes it: Life on a Smaller Scale We live in Jamaica Plain, a neighborhood on the south side of Boston. One of the best parts of JP is, undoubtedly, Jamaica Pond, a small, spring-fed, kettle pond. The pond covers about 60…