August 2005

  • An Hour of the the Rolling Stones

    Last night at about 9:30, I realized I didn’t have enough powdered milk to finish making yogurt, so I hopped on my bike for a quick trip to the grocery store. As I rode down Brighton Ave, the breeze was warm and fresh, and the the bright orange-yellow  moon hung low in the sky, just…

  • What part of Uff Da don't you understand?

    You know you’re in Cambridge/Somerville when you overhear a guy saying loadly into his cellphone,"I mean, what part of ‘englightened self-interest" don’t they understand.’" When I was back in Fargo a couple weeks ago, my dad greeted me at the door wearing a shirt that said, "What part of ‘Uff Da’ don’t you understand." It…

  • The Restroom

    Nancy M. alerted me to this unique blog, The Restroom: A journal of design oddities in public restrooms featured today in a Boston Herald article. In my mind, it has the charactersitcs of a fine place blog, combining the observation of places over time, close attention to ordinary experience, a concern for the implication of…

  • On the Cove

    A diary of living on Lanes Cove, Gloucester, Massachusetts