February 2005

  • Farmer Ken Takes a Job

    My friend Ken emailed this morning to announce he’s taking a job as the Experimental Farm Manager for The Chef’s Garden, a family vegetable farm in Huron, Ohio that sells high end produce to chefs all around the country. His job will be to test "heirloom" vegetable seeds to determine which ones might be worth…

  • Coffee, Wireless, and an Interview with Fox News

    This afternoon I was in the middle of writing up comments on Ella’s personal essay when I was interrupted by a reporter and cameraman from Fox News doing interviews for an upcoming segment on wireless security issues. They asked if I’d be willing to chat about the ways I use my laptop to access wireless…

  • Green Web Design and Hosting

    On the day that the Kyoto Protocol is going into affect, it seems fitting to mention a few web design and hosting companies dedicated to promoting environmental responsibility in cyberspace. With a tag lines "Connecting people and planet" and "websites powered by the wind," Earthsite’s mission is to offer "green marketing and design services with…

  • BC Noon Hoops in the News–Again

    Our noon basketball games made it into the news again, this time in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution last Saturday: After starring at UMass, Skinner played in the ABA, NBA and overseas from 1974-81. He was a teammate and roommate of Julius Erving on the New York Nets. Now 52, Skinner’s playing style and competitiveness are still…

  • Wild Thoughts: An Online Journal of Environmental Writing

    Hank emailed to let me know about a new journal he and some of his colleagues put together this past month. Several of them are graduate students inthe  University of Montana environmental writing. As they describe it, Wild Thoughts "provides high-quality nature-based art, poetry, photography, fiction, and essays from everywhere, to everyone online. We have…

  • Just Another World Championship

    I realized when I got to Kurt’s Super Bowl party in Cambridge tonight that the only reason I had come was so that I could bike home afterward. After all, it was already the fourth quarter and I had only watched about five minutes of the game so far–not the game, actually, but rather the…

  • Beginning Lent, by way of Hotel Rwanda

    Today it feels like Lent began a few days early. Monica and I walked over to Coolidge Corner just around midday to catch the 1:30 showing of “Hotel Rwanda.” It was a gorgeous, spring-like day, with 50 degree temperatures helping the city shed a few layers of snow, dissolving the improvised landscape of snowbanks and…