Coffee, Wireless, and an Interview with Fox News

This afternoon I was in the middle of writing up comments on Ella’s personal essay when I was interrupted by a reporter and cameraman from Fox News doing interviews for an upcoming segment on wireless security issues. They asked if I’d be willing to chat about the ways I use my laptop to access wireless networks. After clearing a seat for the reporter and threading the microphone up my sweater, I explained how Cafenation has become part of my dissertation-writing routine in large part because of its free wireless connection and how this has give me greater flexibility in deciding where I would work.

I was sitting in my regular spot—the table near the back where I can get the best wireless signal strength and plug into an outlet when my battery goes dead. The café was full of activity, with two children behind me pretending to be fishing from the couch and with the baristas navigating around the cameraman to deliver pesto chicken crepes and coffee to other customers.

When the segment airs on the late news next Tuesday, I hope they’ll include my plug for Cafenation so that it gets some well-deserved publicity. What’s more likely is that I’ll say something to reveal my ignorance of wireless security threats, and I will serve to represent the throngs of hapless wireless users whose laptops are ripe for hacking. Since it’s Fox, it’s bound to be dramatic. By the end of the segment, viewers will feel sorry for me, blissfully drinking my light roast coffee and surfing the web as some malicious wardriver reads my emails and steals my identity. Maybe watching myself on Tuesday night will motivate me into figure out if I actually need to be worried.