• My “weird tuna trash”

    Growing up North Dakota, I was raised on hotdish.  If you’re new to hotdishes, this excerpt from How to Talk Minnesotan: A Visitor’s Guide, might help introduce you to its cultural significance: On your visit to Minnesota, you will sooner or later come face to face with Minnesota’s most popular native food, hotdish.  It can…

  • Thundersnow


    This afternoon I’ve been working at home during our first snowstorm of the season. About half hour ago I was startled by a flash of light–muted but very distinct–that seemed to come from outside. Then, a second or two later, there was thunder. Cunning naturalist that I am, I turned to google to figure out…

  • footnotes

    Blog URL: http://www.footnotes.textamerica.com/ Description: footnotes: 1- the continuation of a passage leading to wandering routes beneath an established                         itinerary.                  2- a further development taking place under often ignored conditions.

  • Capturing the Past

    Blog URL: http://56755.blogspot.com/ Description: I have decided to document my hometown in a very concrete way.  I've created a place blog for it.  I want to discover and share why my town came into existence, and the people who were there at the beginning, and even those that were there before the town, if possible. …

  • Portait of the Artist

    Portait of the Artist

    Some evenings when I walk up the steps to our house, I can see Dave sitting at his easel painting, his figure framed by the window and lit by his nearby lamp. He’s a portait painter, and the  faces he creates fill our dinning room with color and life. A couple months ago, I purchased…

  • Pumpkins at Johnny D's

    Pumpkins at Johnny D's

    I just stepped outside Cafenation for a bit of fresh air, and the pumpkins at Johnny D’s Fruit Market were lit up brilliantly by the late morning sun. Since it looks like I won’t be able to get out to a country farm stand this weekend, it’s nice to have a little bit of the…

  • TLC For the Old Bike

    This morning when I got on my bike, I could feel it was happy about the tune-up it received at Bicycles Bill’s over the weekend. Actually it was more than a tune-up, since several parts had to be replaced due to nine-years of wear–the rear wheel, a break arm, the rear derailleur. Now I don’t have…

  • A Cross Section of California

    A Cross Section of California

    I just returned from a trip out to California for Monica’s wedding, a trip I extended so I could visit folks down the coast. I ended up with a cross-section of CA, stretching from Bodega Bay north of San Francisco, down the coast through Santa Maria and Santa Barbara, ending up in LA. Since this…

  • Place Blogging Piece Published

    A couple weeks ago, my piece "Blogging Places: Locating Pedagogy in the Whereness of Weblogs" in the journal Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedoagogy. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without all the generous input I received from numerous place bloggers, especially the Ecotone folks. So thanks everyone for your feedback…

  • Get a Job

    Get a Job

    Yesterday Cathy and I headed up to Cape Ann to visit Tim and Meg and explore Dogtown Commons, the nature preserve that makes up much of the inland area of Gloucester. It has a colorful history stretching back to the early colonists, full of tales of the pirates, witches, and widows who supposedly inhabited it.…