The Bathroom Diaries
in WeblinksAs I was trying out the Vindingo mapping features on my PDA, I ran across a way to map all the nearby public restrooms. I was glad to see the Bathoorm Diaries site making explicit what most of us are unwilling to admit: that restrooms are central to our experience of place, especially public places.
Boston Stories and the City Stories Project
in DissertationToday as I made my way through the Ecotone site, I found my way to Derek Powazek’s The City Stories Project and subsequently to the Boston Stories site. The Boston site is organized by neighborhood, so I visited the Allston section, only to find no-one had posted anything. An excuse for me to write something,…
Defining locative media, summarizing the project
in DissertationIn this piece in the Guardian from about a year ago, Jim McClellan offers a succint summary of locative media, one that also resonates with the core interests of my dissertation project: When the net first went mainstream, people talked up cyberspace as some sort of alternative global space, a new frontier where distance was…
The Watertown Arsenal
Tonight Robert, Staci, and I celebrated the end of busy week with dinner at Red Sauce, housed in one of the Water Arsenal buildings. Walking to the restaurant, Robert and I commented on how nicely renovated the buildings and grounds looked, and on our way out, we were amazed to discover the Italianate Commander’s Mansion…
The Burger King Mooring Stone
Today as I made my lunch, I began craving French fries and, giving into temptation, I made my first visit to the Burger King about a block a way, the first time in my five years living in the neighborhood. I also took advantage of the whole in the parking lot fence for the first…
The Sign of the Skateboard
Today as I went to Herrells to get a cup of coffee, I noticed this skateboard that someone took time to bold to the bus stop sign. It’s a nice touch.
NYC Bloggers
A map of the NYC that shows where the bloggers are, organized by subway stop