• Wired Biking

    Wired Biking

    In the face of scary writing deadlines, biking has been good therapy this week. Last night I took my Jamis out on my recently discovered route to Walden, and this time I charted my progress with a new Cateye bike computer and my gps device. While this may seem geeky, at least I’m not actually connected to the…

  • Magicbike

    “magicbike is a mobile WiFi (wireless Internet) hotspot that gives free Internet connectivity wherever its ridden or parked. By turning a common bicycle into a wireless hotspot, Magicbike explores new delivery and use strategies for wireless networks and modern-day urbanites. Wireless bicycles disappear into the urban fabric and bring Internet to yet unserved spaces and…

  • Bikes Against Bush

    Bikes Against Bush is a one-of-a-kind, interactive protest/performance occurring simultaneously online and on the streets of NYC during the upcoming Republican National Convention. Using a Wireless In

  • Biking and the Theory of the Derive

    Last night I went on my second ride on my new bike, and since I didn’t have much time, I decided to experiment with what I’ve started to call a "random ride." In this case, I started out toward Watertown and once I got toward Arsenal Street, I began to make navigational decisions on a…

  • The Fargo Theatre, Home of "Wood-Chip Marge"

    The Fargo Theatre, Home of "Wood-Chip Marge"

    This morning I cruised downtown on my dad’s old Schwinn to photograph the the 8-foot tall, 500 pound chainsaw statue of Marge Gunderson from the movie Fargo which stands on the second floor of the Fargo Theatre. Given my feelings about the movie, I thought this was a fitting way for MGM to honor Fargo after the Coen brothers’ hijacked the city’s…

  • Wood-Chip Marge

    Wood-Chip Marge

    This 8-foot tall, 500 pound chainsaw carving of Marge Gunderson from the movie Fargo which stands on the second floor of the Fargo Theatre. The inscription on the base of the statue reads: Presented to

  • The Farm

    The Farm

    This afternoon dad and I drove about 30 miles south of Fargo to the farm that my grandpa worked for 34 years and where dad grew up. The muddy roads prevented us from getting much closer than the southwest corner of the land, now clearly marked by a street sign. I couldn’t help notice that…

  • Dad's One-Room School

    Dad's One-Room School

    Dad attended this school where his mother was the teacher from 1946-1948.

  • McCormick-Deering Threshing Machine

    McCormick-Deering Threshing Machine

    This McCormick-Deering threshing machine was last used by my dad and grandfather in 1949 when dad was 10. It sits in a stand of trees on one of the Johnson brother’s farms, about 30 miles south of Fargo.

  • Downtown Fargo at Dusk

    Downtown Fargo at Dusk

    Today I flew back to Fargo to spend time with family and reconnect with the homeland. To acclimate myself, I took an after-dinner stroll down Broadway to see how the downtown revitalization effort is progressing. More was finished, more was torn up, but on the whole it was looking good.On my way back I took…