October 2003

  • Beacon Hill Leaves

    Beacon Hill Leaves

    This afternoon proved to be a perfect autumn afternoon to stroll through Beacon Hill with a friend. After lunch at the 77 Pub, we wound our way leisurely through the narrow streets, exploring alleys and sidestreets as we came upon them, pausing in mid conversation to admire one mansion or another, taking everything as an…

  • Birthday Leaves

    Birthday Leaves

    This morning I took some time to myself and spent my first hours as a 30-year-old at Mt. Auburn cemetery with may camera and my walking shoes. After breakfast at Zaftig’s in Brookline and before heading back to BC for work, I lucky enough to find myself in Concecration Dell where I noticed the green…

  • Ecotone: A Wiki for Place Blogging

    This evening as I was trying to decide what to submit to the 2004 Computers and Writing Conference (since the deadline is this week), I ran across a great wiki on place-based blogging called "Ecotone:" Writing about Place." Now that I know that there is as least this community, I’m inspired me to kickstart this…