
  • Walden Pond in Fall

    Walden Pond in Fall

    This afternoon we spend some time at Walden in the heart of fall.

  • Savoring Fall

    Savoring Fall

    Many autumns just slip by, with only moments of awareness, a few accidental fleeting changes to soak it in and enjoy the particular pleasures of the season. This particularly unfortunate in New England, where the fall presentation is done so expertly. I expected I would be even less attentive to fall this time around, given…

  • Halloween, JP Style

    Halloween, JP Style

    Sunday evening was the annual Lantern Parade at Jamaica Pond, a community event which involves walking around the pond with lanterns lit. Kids come in their costumes, music is playing, a cider press provide fresh apple cider–it's a great scene.Tonight as I was riding home from work I passed more tricker-treaters in Brookline and JP…

  • Biking Views: fall morning on Cottage St.
  • Jamaica Pond in Color

    Jamaica Pond in Color

    Sam Blackmon has a new site call The Jamaica Pond Project. Heres how he describes it: Life on a Smaller Scale We live in Jamaica Plain, a neighborhood on the south side of Boston. One of the best parts of JP is, undoubtedly, Jamaica Pond, a small, spring-fed, kettle pond. The pond covers about 60…

  • Recipe for a Tasty Fall Evening in JP

    Recipe for a Tasty Fall Evening in JP

    Last night we had friends over to JP for the Lantern Parade around Jamaica Pond (a few pictures here), a community event featuring lanterns made by kids in the neighborhood to raise money for charity. It was blustery and cold, but it didn't keep the faithful away, and as usual there was no shortage of…

  • Birthday Colors

    Birthday Colors

    Yesterday evening I biked by this tree in Eliott Street Park and couldn't help but stop and take a photo. There wasn't anything subtle about it–just brilliant setting sun on brilliant yellow leaves. It was my first birthday present of the day, and things only go better as I went from there to meet Cathy…

  • Birthday Leaves Revisted

    Birthday Leaves Revisted

    Last year on my 30th, I wrote about spending the morning at Mt. Auburn Cemetery; this year I revisited birthday leaves by returning the Consecration Dell to see if the leaves and the water had composed a similar scene. This time around, the pond was less uniformly green, but the leaves still embedded themselves on…

  • Birthday Leaves

    Birthday Leaves

    This morning I took some time to myself and spent my first hours as a 30-year-old at Mt. Auburn cemetery with may camera and my walking shoes. After breakfast at Zaftig’s in Brookline and before heading back to BC for work, I lucky enough to find myself in Concecration Dell where I noticed the green…