This morning I’ve decided to get officially get this blog going.
I’ve been dragging my feet on it for months now, always finding some
excuse not to begin using it. For the last few weeks, I’ve held off
because a bug with Siteframe has prevented me more uploading images.
Before that, it was because I didn’t have the layout finished.
I had to admit to myself last night that so far, my experiment in
place-based blogging hasn’t been much of a sucess. The idea here has
been to see if the web could actually help me engage with where I am
rather than disconnect me from place. So far, it appears the technology
has only gotten in the way simply because I’ve spent so much time right
here in front of my computer, trying to get things up and running, and
less time actually out exploring places or writing about my
But hope is not lost. I haven’t given up on this thing–I just need
to begin doing less designing and more using. Even just writing this
entry has been an important step, so I’m optimistic that more will