Fargo Chosen as "Perfect Terrain" for World Record Unicycle Attempt

In case I didn’t have enough reasons to be proud of my home town, I discovered that Zach Warren will be conducting his second attempt to break the World Record for “The Most Miles on a Unicycle in One Hour” in Fargo this August.

“Why Fargo, North Dakota?” you may ask. Zach’s response:

It’s Flat! On a unicycle, rain grading and turns on the road make riding and balance at high speeds (15 mph +) very difficult. Fargo was chosen by recommendation from fellow unicyclist Lars Clausen ( www.onewheel.org), who has ridden across the USA more than once on a unicycle. Tom Smith, owner of Island Park Cycles in Fargo, has calibrated a closed-circuit track of 3.8 miles according to USATF qualifications. Zach will need to complete roughly two and a half laps to break the current record.

This ends a nationwide search for the perfect terrain. Previous tracks reserved for the attempt include: the Kissena Velodrome in Queens, NYC, the MIT track in Boston, and the NASCAR track in Dover, Deleware. http://www.unicycle4kids.org/kinesis/template.php?section=cRecord

I first learned of Zach when he “joggled” the Boston Marathon (he owns the world record for running a marathon while juggling three objects at 3:07:46). And now I found out that he attends St. James’s, though I haven’t had a chance to meet him there. Our rector sent the parish an email letting us know that he had just arrived in Afghanistan where he’s working to help children through the Mobile Mini Circus for Children.

You can read more about him at http://www.afghanmmcc.org/pages/about.htm and http://www.unicycle4kids.org, and listen to an interview with him at http://www.itconversations.com/shows/detail921.html.


2 responses to “Fargo Chosen as "Perfect Terrain" for World Record Unicycle Attempt”

  1. Once again, Fargo hits the headlines… woo hoo!There’s a gal from Davis riding across the country on a unicycle. The hills are tough, she says. And she’s learned to swallow her pride and walk up a hill if it just gets too hard. (Panniers are out of the question: this is strictly an ultralight venture…)