Facebook and Blogging

I’ve been working on the preface to my dissertation this morning, a kind of personal narrative of how I got interested in place blogging and where I’ve ended up now as I finish up. I began wondering if the rise of Facebook has affected the blogging practices of those I’ve been following in my project, so I posed the question to place bloggers who are also Facebook friends: 

Hi Alison, Fred, Maria, and Lorianne,

I’m working on the final revisions of my dissertation and in my preface I’m reflecting on how I got interested in placeblogging and where I’ve ended up now. Since Facebook has emerged as a significant shift in social media since the time the early days of place blogging, I thought I would invite all my Ecotone Facebook friends to reflect on the relationship between Facebook and your blogging practice.

Here are some questions that I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on, should you be so inclined to reflect:

— Do you feel like your Facebook activity is a response to the same impulses/needs/interests that got you into blogging?

— Do you think that these tools have affected what you’re doing when you blog? Are you doing things in Facebook that you might have done in your blog in the past?

— What about the role of microblogging tools like Twitter or Facebook status?

— How would you compare the social network of Facebook and the network associated with your blogging?

— How does Facebook affect your personal attention economy, how you allocate your limit resources of attention toward blogging or other parts of your life?

Thanks for any thoughts you might be interested in throwing out–that is, if you can find any time between blogging, FB, Twitter….. 🙂


 Of course, if anyone else has thoughts, please feel free to comment. 



2 responses to “Facebook and Blogging”

  1. An excellent summary of why I’ve stayed away from Facebook! One can only embrace new media so fast … Cheers, Jarrett

  2. We’re all trying to figure this out on the fly, one big sociological experiment with many of us as volunteer subjects. Not a bad idea to stay out until the findings become clearer. My most recent Facebook status: “Tim is wondering if Facebook is a bubble in the attention economy. Deep down we know the crash is bound to happen.”