September 2006

  • Segway at the Sweet Finnish Cafe

    This morning I'm sitting in Sweet Finnish, one of my new coffeeshops here in JP, and I just watched a man pass by on the far sidewalk, riding on a Segway. While biking will always be my first love, I've had a little thing for Segways since I dreamed about them a while back ,…

  • Views from the New Bike Route: Chestnut Hill Reservoir

    Views from the New Bike Route: Chestnut Hill Reservoir

    The Chestnut Hill Reservoir is the final body of water that I reach just before arriving at BC, about 20-25 minutes after I leave home. After I cross a footbridge spanning the D Line tracks and ride down a small hill, the street opens up to a expansive view of the Reservoir just before I…

  • Views from the New Bike Route: Brookline Reservoir

    Views from the New Bike Route: Brookline Reservoir

    The Brookline Reservoir, at the corner of Lee St. and Boylston (Rt. 9), is the second body of water I pass on my way to work. This feels like about the half-way point, and I always try to remember to glance to my right to catch the view of Boston over the water.