March 2005

  • A Reseach Excursion to Berkeley

    While I was in San Francisco, Pica contacted me to let me know she and Numenius would be in Berkeley on Saturday and wondered if I would have time to get together. I was glad they took the initiative because it turned out the conference was winding down and I was looking for an excuse…

  • Familar Topographies

    Sometimes a place just fits, like it was custom-designed for a particular moment and state of mind. Yesterday morning this place was the basement of City Lights bookstore in a section entitled “Topo/Graphies” where I found myself during my last few hours in San Francisco, a city where I’ve come to feel at home in…

  • On Failing to Stay Depressed in San Francisco

    I’ve been in a bit of funk since I got to San Francisco, perhaps because of the time difference, the long flight, or the head cold I’ve been fighting for a few days. Or maybe the conference is forcing me to dwell on how I’m going to finishing my dissertation this year and where I’ll…

  • Getting Settled in San Francisco

    Last night I arrived in San Francisco after along day of travelling and a hectic week. The CCCC conference began this morning and I was there bright and early for a morning workshop on blogging. At noon I met up with Jarrett from Creature of the Shade for my fourth installment in the "conversations with…

  • Year-Round Biking: The Cold

    Biking in the cold is all about having just the right layers on—too few and you’ll be hating life for the entire ride, too many and you’ll be a sweaty mess by the time you get to whereever you’re going. My basic apparel on the coldest days: A Turtle Fur Fleece balaclava that pulls up…

  • Year-Round Biking: A Series

    Year-Round Biking: A Series

    Earlier this year, I decided to ride my bike year round, snow or shine, as a transportation experiment. I was inspired to take this step when I was home over Christmas and witnessed a true Fargoan biking downtown on a day when it was two below with a brisk wind–and he didn’t even have anything…