January 2005

  • A few images of the blizzard of 2005

    A few images of the blizzard of 2005

    It’s been a week since the Blizzard of 2005, but we’re still living with the effects. During the first few days, the snow gave the city a pristine white coating, but now it’s quickly turning into a sullied, crusty mess as the temperature rises. Last night, we ran into this ravine between piles of snow.…

  • Olive and Her New Godfather

    Olive and Her New Godfather

    Before the big storm hit, I managed to get up to Cape Anne to see Tim and Meg for a little get-away. Their place in Lanesville is just far enough to feel like an escape but not so far that I can’t make the trip on a whim. While I was there, they asked me…

  • Noon Basketball at BC in the NY Times

    Jeanne sent me a link to this article in the NY Times that references the noon basketball pick-up games I take part in regularly at Boston College:CHESTNUT HILL, Mass., Jan. 20 – Around noon nearly every weekday, Boston College Coach Al Skinner rolls into an auxiliary gym at Conte Forum wearing gray jogging pants with…

  • A Noreaster and a Return to Blogging

    Tonight I’m snowed in by a good old-fashioned Noreaster, and I’ve decided now is as a good a time as any return to the Whereproject. We’re supposed to get 20-30 inches and wind gusts of 50 mph (close to 70 on the Cape), so I’ll probably be hunkered done here at home until tomorrow night.…