Earlier this year, I decided to ride my bike year round, snow or shine, as a transportation experiment. I was inspired to take this step when I was home over Christmas and witnessed a true Fargoan biking downtown on a day when it was two below with a brisk wind–and he didn’t even have anything on his face. I began to wonder, what would I have to do to bike in all manner of weather? Can biking truly be a year-round form of transportation?
Well, with nearly 80 inches of snow in the city this year, it’s been a proved to be a good winter to test this out. Over the past months I’ve gleaned some best practices from trying biking nearly every day, so I think I’ll begin a series of post on biking in Boston in the winter.
For today, I’ll just post this picture I took on Tuesday after we got another six inches of snow and I had just slogged my way through the mush to BC.
