One of the best perks of living in JP is the ride from here to work each morning. The 20-25 minute journey takes me down the backroads of Brookline and Chestnut Hill on what feel like country roads. Along the way I pass three bodies of water, the first of which is Jamaica Pond, the bluest of the jewels in the Olmstead-designed Emerald Necklace.
According to The Heart of the City, Jamaica Pond “largest and purest water body in the City of Boston.” Geologically speaking, it’s a “60-acre kettlehole, which is a water body created by glacial meltwater. Natural springs feed the pond, which is up to 90-feet deep in some sections. According to the 2001 Emerald Necklace Master Plan, the pond has ‘exceptionally good water quality’ (p171).”
More on Jamaica Pond:
