CIWIC 2005: Getting Started

For the next two weeks, I’m up at the Computers in Writing Intensive Classrooms program at Michigan Tech. We’ve hit the ground running the last couple of days, and I already feel like I’ve learned quite a bit.

In the New Media workshop I’m in, we’ve been discussing the nature of visual arguments, and our first assignments have had us working in Photoshop and Director, two programs I was largely unfamiliar with when I started.

Our first day’s assignment was to create a one-page visual argument using photoshop, and the second day’s assignment was to create a sequential argument using Director.

I took “e-waste” as my topic for both:

Collage with a hands on a keyboard sitting on top of piles of electronic waste

I’m now off to a picnic along Lake Superior, a much-need break from the lab.


One response to “CIWIC 2005: Getting Started”

  1. Fred just sent me to your Blogging Places, with a hint that I might find myself quoted in those pages…screens…? I found all that very interesting, and plan to sit down for a long read. One question though…why not enable comments, since it’s about blogging, after all, and blogs are all about comments…notwithstanding where you have to add them on.