
  • Idaho Adventure

    Blog URL: http://www.timpany.com/weblog/ Description:

  • Magicbike

    “magicbike is a mobile WiFi (wireless Internet) hotspot that gives free Internet connectivity wherever its ridden or parked. By turning a common bicycle into a wireless hotspot, Magicbike explores new delivery and use strategies for wireless networks and modern-day urbanites. Wireless bicycles disappear into the urban fabric and bring Internet to yet unserved spaces and…

  • Bikes Against Bush

    Bikes Against Bush is a one-of-a-kind, interactive protest/performance occurring simultaneously online and on the streets of NYC during the upcoming Republican National Convention. Using a Wireless In

  • elastic space: Spatial Annotation Projects

    Timo Arnall’s elastic space.com is a fantastic resource for web-based mapping, geoannotation, and interaction design. In particular, his list of spatial annotation projects is a boon for my current research.

  • Pancakes Across America

    Thanks to Numenius at Feathers of Hope, I discovered a great breakfast website this morning, and it has inspired me to keep my dream of designing a collaborative breakfast website alive.

  • The Middlewesterner

    Exploring the heart of the country.An accomplished poet and essayist, Tom Montag is the author of Curlew:Home, an affectionate memoir of growing up on a middle western farm during the 1950s; Kissing Poetry’s Sister, essays about writing and being a writer; and many books and chapbooks of poems published over the past 30 years.

  • BisonBlog

    ndsu students and ndsu faculty join their blogs and thoughts together in midwestern harmony. the BisonBlog will: contain stories about/by ndsu bloggers, support questions and comments by ndsu bloggers, and be

  • Satan's Laundomat

    This is a Brooklyn-based photolog with an emphasis on urban decay, strange signage, and general weirdness.

  • Austin Country Limits

    This website is a photo and digital art journal of the Greater Austin, Texas area.

  • Feathers of Hope

    A weblog on nature and place, the design arts, politics, and baseball…Numenius is a geographer by training and temperament. He is a Bay Area native, and grew up roaming the East Bay hills. Pica takes her cue from Pica nuttelli, the endemic magpie of central California, chatty and alighting on gleaming things.