I’ve known for a few months that I’d be leaving the Quint house at the end of the summer, but it’s only in the last few days that I’ve decided to move to Jamaica Plain (Map). It’s hard to believe that I’ve been in the same place for nearly seven years, and it’s even harder to believe how little affection I’ve developed for Allston. I’ll miss parts of it–like my friends Naama and Bob down the street–but I’m excited to finally move to the one part of Boston where I’ve always wanted to live.
I spent the weekend responding to ads on Craigslist, and I take it as a good sign that one landlord referred to JP as his “little piece of heaven.” It’s been great to have an excuse to study maps and poke around the neighborhood, trying to get the lay of the land and beginning to imagine myself there. Last night I biked from BC to Forest Hills in just over 20 minutes, and I was thrilled by how beautiful my daily commute will be threw the back roads of Brookline and Chestnut Hill.
So I’m thinking deeply about my own place again–and not as an academic activity–and I’m feel excited again to get to know a new part of the city.
3 responses to “Headed to Jamaica Plain”
Allston does seem the kind of place you don’t develop an affection for. JP, on the other hand — everyone I’ve known who lived there loved it.congrats on the new streets to explore and the splendid commute and the dogwood and the hills.Thanks also for your comment about my mother’s new personal geography. Also mine: the coast suddenly got further away for me…