March 2007

  • Would Thoreau Blog?

    If Henry David Thoreau were around today, do you think he would blog? I began thinking about this after reading an interview with Greg Perry, editor of The Blog of Henry David Thoreau. The article leaves that impression that there's a kind of natural correspondence between the Journals and the blog format: Thoreau’s journal seems…

  • Coming into Contact: New Essays in Ecocritical Theory and Practice

    I received a copy of Coming into Contact: New Essays in Ecocritical Theory and Practice (University of Georgia Press, 2007) in the mail early this week, several years after I wrote my contribution, "Composition and the Rhetoric of Eco-Effective Design," an ASLE conference back in 2003. It's bizarre to finally see it published after not…

  • Spring from the Front Row

    I must be in the front row. That's what I keep thinking as I bike into spring this week, getting a great view of each gradation of change as I get to work and back. Last week at this time I was facing 6 degree temperatures with a ferocious headwind, but I felt my body…