October 2005

  • Pumpkins at Johnny D's

    Pumpkins at Johnny D's

    I just stepped outside Cafenation for a bit of fresh air, and the pumpkins at Johnny D’s Fruit Market were lit up brilliantly by the late morning sun. Since it looks like I won’t be able to get out to a country farm stand this weekend, it’s nice to have a little bit of the…

  • TLC For the Old Bike

    This morning when I got on my bike, I could feel it was happy about the tune-up it received at Bicycles Bill’s over the weekend. Actually it was more than a tune-up, since several parts had to be replaced due to nine-years of wear–the rear wheel, a break arm, the rear derailleur. Now I don’t have…

  • A Cross Section of California

    A Cross Section of California

    I just returned from a trip out to California for Monica’s wedding, a trip I extended so I could visit folks down the coast. I ended up with a cross-section of CA, stretching from Bodega Bay north of San Francisco, down the coast through Santa Maria and Santa Barbara, ending up in LA. Since this…

  • Place Blogging Piece Published

    A couple weeks ago, my piece "Blogging Places: Locating Pedagogy in the Whereness of Weblogs" in the journal Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedoagogy. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without all the generous input I received from numerous place bloggers, especially the Ecotone folks. So thanks everyone for your feedback…