December 2004

  • Christmas Eve, with Ukukele and Harmonica

    Christmas Eve, with Ukukele and Harmonica

    Its Christmas Eve here in Fargo and the evening is winding down. Since my brothers and their families are with the in-laws this year, it’s just mom, dad, and I. Earlier we had a few other folks over after church to share a Scandinavian meal of Swedish meatballs, potatoes, potato sausage, and lefsa, with rice…

  • Marin Outings

    A photo blog by Maria from Alembic.

  • Walking and Chewing Gum

    Of course there’s great irony in the fact that just as I’m writing an article on place blogging, I’m spending very little time either blogging or venturing very far beyond the space in front of my computer screen. In my darker moments, I fear that this is just an inherent part of academic work, the…

  • Ecotone Bi-Weekly Posts: A Modest Analysis

    In prepraration for my interview with Pica from Feathers of Hope a couple weeks ago, I put together a modest quantitative overview of the Ecotone bi-weekly topics, just to get a better sense of who was posting to the site. The results are listed below:Date range: June 15, 2003-November 15, 2004 Basic Stats Topics: 34…

  • HawaiiStories

    About Us.. Essentially, HawaiiStories is a a storytelling community, a gathering place where web-savvy islanders and islanders-at-heart share their thoughts — be they random epiphanies, poignant observations, anecdotes, rants, questions, lyrics, poems, or anything else, really. Hawai`i is what ties the people together, but the things they share cross the whole spectrum of everyday life.…

  • Short with Delicate Wrists

    Today I went to Boston Medical Center for the first time to take part in a BU med school research study on osteoporosis in men. I went primarily for the $75 I would earn for my hour and a half; what I learned was that I’m not the person I thought I was.As it turns…